Monday, September 12, 2011

Responsive Constraint

Update, Long overdue.
As I am back working again and Responsive Constraint has become a personal endeavor versus a class project, I have been reflecting on what Architecture is, was, where it has came from, and where it is going.

side note: Working full time again at an Architecture firm and I am convinced 99% of what is being produced world wide is not architecture, but merely buildings. (I had an idea but it's impact didn't hit me until about a year ago) :(

I am leaning towards growth media and "programmable biologicals" for my research base and am compiling data from "buildings" to round out some data sets so they lean more towards the practical, and cost effective aspects of the actual space creation.

I am looking around for an ideal competition, or outlet for a test run.
White papers never seem to finalize themselves, and Blogs don't get read....

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Responsive constraint architecture

An update on progress,
I have had a couple good critiques the last week or so and have moved onto developing a building out of this thing I like to call Architecture. Still working with environmental constraints and the human element I have begun to develop the interior space, defined by the architecture as well as some pretty intense R&D (mainly research).
For the spaces I am using an open plan theory, with main space defined by patterns and visual barriers defined by the ceiling.... the obvious spacial differentiations will be there to define rooms, IE: floor level changes, large brick walls, interior vs exterior, but the main floor space will not be divided by constructed walls, in order to promote sustainability and flexibility in design.
As for The R&D, I have developed an exterior skin for the structure using silicone casts and a joinery system based on connection nodes and memory members.

The silicone is a simple representation of a hexagonal cell that defines a double layer skin. these will continue to evolve until I run out out of rubber and will feature translucent panels.
The structure is still under development for material properties and fixation technique but I will document the progress and post some conceptual sketches/models shortly.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Break Reflections

It is spring break, and I have just come out of a slumber induced by way too much research.
Still working on the same project, I decided that in order to create an architecture that is sensitive to the user and the environment, all the while being "generative" to those constraints of the project, it would need to be responsive. This responsive design can be used in describing the exterior skin as well as the interior space.
I have begun diagramming the spacial qualities of the program, as well as designing a responsive skin. The program is a work in progress, and I will post some images shortly.
I am truly excited about this project, I get to create a dynamic skin and an interior to match.
Pulled off, this will be the most intelligent of my designs to date, it is comprised of a lot of documentation and to the right audience should be a step in the right direction to defining a new language not only for myself but for those impacted by the design.

Design by concept alone is dead,
Without reason and a bit of nuts,
The design is dead before it hits paper.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Focus models

In the process of developing design solutions for the project, my professor has set up three phases for the project. the phase shown in the documentation below is titled:
The Artifact... Design logic and exploration. this logic was to be produced both in written form and in physical form, this was accomplished through a logic paragraph and sentance, generative diagrams and a diagrammatic(generative) artifact.
I am exploring a "design driven (top down) spacial form generation technique". Essentially what I have discussed previously, and labeled "sensitive design". This artifact is constrained in different axis and generates forms and spacial relationships based on the connections and relationships between the forms inside and outside. The artifact developed from an existing site *wood box* and the new program for the space. There is a theoretic form generation model that I used in the critique as well, and will add that photo after while.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Parametric generative constraint research

Not knowing what the hell your doing is ninety percent of the fun.
I started research a while ago, sifting through blogs, webinars on Building Information Modeling, you tube videos on para-metrics, and basically perusing all the free online content I can find; where better a place to find digital information than the digital highway(now my library).

I am overwhelmed it seems. I know what needs to be done and have the drive, but it seems to me I have bitten off a chunk. The type of Constraint architecture I am looking for seems to be one steeped in scripting and long nights modifying tables and tables of constraints regarding space, form, function, elements, sun exposure, usage patterns, local design criteria, in service exposure, wind pressures, material consistency, functional envelopes, drainage patterns, seasonal effect, oh... and this is an interiors class to boot....... Prelim undergrad stuff. should be cake.

My plan for this endeavor is to investigate a method for developing Architecture through investigation of site specific program and the application of sensitive design constraints.
This will then be scripted as an extra bonus for future development in digital format.

I intend to:
1. Develop a preliminary (living) guide that can be used to develop early concepts in any
modeling program and by hand.
providing major and minor element constraints that have direct effect on the project.
2. Use the guide in a sensitive design driven manner to develop conceptual iterations to be
critiqued by colleagues and Professorial staff.
3. Change in the design will only be based on the constraints in the guide, and if a constraint
does not exist one will be created and implemented.
4. Completion of the project will be determined by producing a viable method to develop
Architecture ........insert foot in mouth........
5. I will update the focus and resulting guides when I figure out how to do it.

Ahh... monday.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

LTU: IDS2 Blog Beginning

A start, A beginning, somewhere to begin.
This is a blog documenting an IDS2 interiors project for professor Jim Stevens(arch), and Jin Feng(int) with a concentration on interiors at Lawrence Technological University.

The Project: A culinary arts School located on a site north of Eastern University, Ypsilanti at an abandoned paper mill.
Focus: Generative Architecture based in constraints: physical and diagrammatic